Sunday, May 13, 2018

Here is one of the more striking sunrises. It was just awesome the way they looked like they were almost on fire, glowing so bright. I wish this drone had a better camera but still came out great.

This one is much less impressive but I just loved the way the clouds were strung out that morning. This picture doesn't show the black clouds just next to this but this little patch was the only part of the sky that had color. The rest was consumed with dreary, ominous clouds besides this tiny stretch.

Most of our photos are taken with the Sharper Image DX-4. Soon we will have more shots from other kinds. We are talking to someone who won a DJI Phantom in a poker hand and he isn't into drones so we MIGHT get lucky and get it from him for less than half the market price so heres hoping.

This is the drone we usually use and these replacement motors we looked everywhere for the right ones after a crash broke one and I needed these to get it flying again. Eventually I found them (obviously) but here's saving you the hassle of looking.

Happy Mother's Day

If you haven't wished your mom a happy mom's day today yet, you better call her soon! Thanks for stopping by today and hoping you all had a great day today. No flying here today since we had rain all weekend but I will be putting up a few pics we have gotten recently. Thankfully on the Gulf Coast we have incredible ones every day. There is a shot I keep trying to get just right against this building across the street. In the morning while I wait for the school bus with my kids it is so awesome looking when the sky still looks dark but the sun is peeking over the horizon so the mirror of the sunrise hits the glass with the sky black as midnight behind it and it just looks kind of surreal and unfortunately so far i have not been able to get the lighting and angles right to capture this in a way that truly does it justice but i will one of these days...

Anyway, just wanted to wish everyone a great day and say hello-

Keep flying and see you back again soon!